Κριτικές κρητικών κρασιών Δουλουφάκη

Mark Squires, Αμερικανός Οινοδημοσιογράφος
(Wine Advocate - www.robertparker.com)
Κριτικές & Αξιολογήσεις
για τα κρασιά Δουλουφάκη από τις Δαφνές Κρήτης
Επαγγελματίες στο χώρο του οίνου δοκιμάζουν τα κρασιά μας και δημοσιεύουν αξιολογήσεις και σημειώσεις γευσιγνωσίας. Παρακάτω μπορείτε να δείτε κριτικές γραμμένες από διάσημους οινοκριτικούς και οινοδημοσιογράφους για τα ελληνικά κρασιά Δουλουφάκη, που παράγονται στην Κρήτη.

Δουλουφάκη ENOTRIA Λευκός Ξηρός οίνος - Κριτικές
Enotria White Awards
Year | Country | Competition/Degustation | Vintage | Distinction |
2023 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2022 | Gold medal |
2021 | U.K. | Decanter | 2020 | Bronze medal |
2019 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2018 | Bronze medal |
2019 | Japan | Sakura | 2018 | Double Gold Medal |
2018 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2017 | Bronze medal |
2018 | Japan | Sakura | 2017 | Diamond Trophy |
2018 | Japan | Sakura | 2017 | Double Gold Medal |
2017 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2016 | Silver medal |
2016 | U.K. | Decanter | 2015 | Commended |
2015 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2014 | Gold medal |
2012 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2011 | Silver medal |
2010 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2009 | Silver medal |
2009 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2008 | Silver medal |
2007 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2006 | Silver medal |
2003 | France | Challenge International du Vin | 2006 | Silver medal |
Enotria White Tasting Notes
Tasted in | Country | Tasted by | Published on | Vintage | Wine tasting notes |
2016 | U.K. | International Wine Competition | www.decanter.com | 2015 | Enjoyable blend with a floral and fruity nose followed by a round and defined palate. |

Δουλουφάκη ΔΑΦΝΙΟΣ Λευκός Ξηρός οίνος - Κριτικές
Dafnios White Awards
Year | Country | Competition/Degustation | Vintage | Distinction |
2024 | U.S.A. | Wine Advocate - Mark Squires | 2023 | 90/100 |
2024 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2023 | Silver medal |
2023 | U.S.A. | Wine Enthusiast | 2021 | 91/100 |
2023 | Greece | Παύλος Γκέγκας, Wine Critic | 2020 | 89(+)/100 |
2023 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2022 | Silver medal & Spec. Dist. as the Highest scoring wine from Vidiano grapes |
2021 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2020 | Gold medal |
2021 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2019 | Bronze medal |
2021 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2018 | Silver medal |
2021 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2016 | Gold medal |
2021 | U.K. | Jancis Robinson - Julia Harding MW | 2019 | 16.5/20 |
2021 | U.K. | London, IWSC | 2020 | 88/100 |
2021 | U.S.A. | Wine Advocate - Mark Squires | 2017 | 89/100 |
2020 | U.K. | Jancis Robinson | 2018 | 16/20 |
2020 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2019 | Bronze medal |
2020 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2018 | Silver medal |
2019 | U.S.A. | Wine Advocate - Mark Squires | 2018 | 88/100 |
2019 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2018 | Silver medal |
2019 | U.S.A. | Wine & Spirits | 2018 | 90/100 |
2019 | U.K. | Jancis Robinson | 2016 | 17/20 |
2018 | France | Tasted 100% Blind - Andreas Larsson | 2017 | 90/100 |
2018 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2017 | Silver medal |
2017 | U.S.A. | Wine Advocate - Mark Squires | 2016 | 90/100 |
2017 | U.K. | Decanter | 2016 | Silver medal |
2017 | U.S.A. | TEXSOM | 2016 | Silver medal |
2017 | U.S.A. | Wine & Spirits | 2016 | 87/100 |
2017 | U.K. | Jancis Robinson - Julia Harding MW | 2016 | 16/20 |
2016 | U.K. | Decanter | 2015 | Bronze medal |
2016 | U.S.A. | TEXSOM | 2015 | Silver medal |
2016 | France | Tasted 100% Blind - Andreas Larsson | 2014 | 87/100 |
2016 | U.K. | Jancis Robinson - Julia Harding MW | 2015 | 16/20 |
2015 | Australia | The Real Review - Huon Hooke | 2014 | Bronze medal |
2015 | U.K. | Decanter | 2014 | Silver medal |
2015 | U.S.A. | Wine Advocate - Mark Squires | 2014 | 89/100 |
2015 | France | Tasted 100% Blind - Andreas Larsson | 2014 | 86/100 |
2015 | U.S.A. | Wine & Spirits | 2014 | 86/100 |
2014 | Canada | Wine Align - John Szabo, MS | 2013 | 89/100 |
2014 | U.S.A. | Wine Advocate - Mark Squires | 2013 | 89/100 |
2014 | U.S.A. | Wine & Spirits | 2013 | 86/100 |
2013 | U.S.A. | Wine Advocate - Mark Squires | 2012 | 89/100 |
2012 | U.S.A. | Wine Advocate - Mark Squires | 2011 | 88/100 |
2011 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2010 | Gold medal |
2009 | Belgium | Concours Mondial de Bruxelles | 2008 | Silver medal |
2008 | Belgium | Concours Mondial de Bruxelles | 2007 | Silver medal |
2008 | U.K. | London, IWSC | 2007 | Silver medal |
Dafnios White Tasting Notes
Tasted in | Country | Tasted by | Published on | Vintage | Wine tasting notes |
2023 | U.S.A. | Emily Saladino, Writer, Editor & Recipe Developer | www.wineenthusiast.com | 2021 | From an esteemed Cretan winery comes this lemon-colored Vidiano, an ancient, near-extinct indigenous grape revitalized by historically minded producers like Douloufakis. It has bold lychee and cantaloupe aromas, followed by citrus and floral notes on the medium-bodied palate. Aged entirely in stainless steel, this food-friendly wine has a crisp, acidic finish. |
2022 | Greece | Παύλος Γκέγκας, Wine Critic | www.gegas.gr | 2020 | Βαθύ λεμονί. Λίπος και πυρηνόκαρπη θέλξη στην μύτη, όπου βάζει να αναμετρηθούν το λάδι του αβοκάντο και το βούτυρο από διάφορα εσπεριδοειδή curds, με μιά απαλή βερυκοκκένια επίφαση. Υπεργινωμένα λουλούδια καλέντουλας και πικραλίδας, με αναπόδραστη αίσθηση ανθόμελου, το ευρύ μπαχαρένιο περιβάλλον κρίνεται ως αρκούντως πικάντικο με κακουλέ, μαχλέπι και τζίντζερ, ενέχοντας σαφείς βοτανικούς συνειρμούς. Ανθυποψία αρχής πετρόλ. Σφριγηλό στον ουρανίσκο, νόστιμο μέσα στην ελαιώδη και λιπαρή του υπόσταση, και κρατώντας ακόμα δυνάμεις και ελαφρά υπόνοια γιά ίσως ένα κλικ εξέλιξης ακόμα, φωτογραφίζοντας πιθανή πετρόλ εισροή. Ηπίως γεμάτος, βουτυρώδης όγκος, καίριας ωριμότητας φρούτο με απευθείας ανάθεση από το οσφρητικό μετερίζι που μπιζάρεται καλά από τονισμένα επίπεδα οξύτητας, ενώ βεβαιώνεται ο απολύτως πικάντικος προσδιορισμός του, όπως και η εν γένει θερμή συμβολή του αλκοόλ, μην αγνοώντας την επίδραση του θειώδους. Ίσως λίγο βαρύ σαν στυλ. Πολύ καλή επίγευση με ένα φευγαλέο ορυκτό πέρασμα, πολύ απαλά φαινολική αλλά και πολύ πικάντικη, σχεδόν καυτερή. Υπάρχει μία κιτρώδης έκπτυξη που υπογραμμίζει την οξύτητα, ενώ τα τσουρουφλιστά μπαχάρια και βότανα προστίθενται στον καύσο του αλκοόλ και του θειώδους. |
2021 | U.K. | Julia Harding, MW | www.jancisrobinson.com | 2019 | This is pale gold, a bit darker than I expected. Fabulous and already has a complex aroma of spice and cedar (not oak derived as there is no oak here, as far as I know), a lovely woody sort of freshness. On the palate, this isn't bone dry and in fact it tastes sweeter than I expected but it is still a relatively dry food wine. Intense, deep and flavourful. This is a fine example of the sort of quality that Crete is capable of today. It is spicy, golden, full bodied but not heavy. Flavours of apricot and orange but also the tangy freshness of quince. Concentrated and mouth-filling and still beautifully fresh. Beware of the very slight sweetness if you like your wines bone dry but I find this powerful, well balanced and delicious. |
2021 | U.S.A. | Mark Squires, Wine Journalist | www.robertparker.com | 2017 | The 2017 Vidiano Dafnios is unoaked, near bone dry and comes in at 13.5% alcohol. When last seen, this showed great. It still does, but it has some signs of maturity right now as well. That hint of fairly quick aging notwithstanding, this shows more complexity today, and the juicy finish is delightful, as well as invigorating. I like this more in theory than when I first saw it, but I do wonder if it will continue to age well. It's in a great place now. That's a hint. |
2020 | U.K. | Jancis Robinson | www.jancisrobinson.com | 2018 | Deep straw colour with green highlights. Lemon sherbet with leafy notes though a relatively light nose. Quite full and fruity on the mid palate but with quite enough acidity. A little bite on the end suggests this won't fall off its perch in a hurry. A little more robust and less sleek than the Alpha Malagousia 2019 just tasted. |
2019 | U.S.A. | Mark Squires, Wine Journalist | www.robertparker.com | 2018 | The 2018 Vidiano Dafnios is unoaked, dry and comes in at 13% alcohol. This has beautiful purity of fruit, as always, a sense of elegance and a fresh feel. I'm not sure it has as much power and depth as in some years, but it seems like the essence of the grape. The finish is long, tasty and delicious. At the price point, you can't go wrong. |
2019 | U.S.A. | W&S staff | www.wineandspiritsmagazine.com | 2018 | This is a refreshing, delicate vidiano, with an herbal, artichoke-like flavor. It’s a light white to pour with vegetable-based dishes all summer long. |
2019 | U.K. | Jancis Robinson | www.jancisrobinson.com | 2016 | Herbal nose – fresh green herbs rather than dried. Big and bold. Chock-full of personality. Real structure and grip. So great that varieties like these are now available internationally. This three-year-old wine has held up superbly. |
2018 | France | Andreas Larsson, Best Sommelier of The World 2007 | www.blindtasted.com | 2017 | Medium deep straw colour. Pure nose offering some yellow fruit, ripe citrus, some stony and floral hints. The palate has medium weight with good purity and generous fruit, peach and pear flavours with a bright freshness. Good density and length, nice character, purity and freshness. |
2017 | U.K. | International Wine Competition | www.decanter.com | 2016 | Honey and quince of the nose. Sweet fruit on the palate, juicy with mid palate concentration. A long finish showing good complexity. |
2017 | U.S.A. | Mark Squires, Wine Journalist | www.robertparker.com | 2016 | The 2016 Vidiano Dafnios is all Vidiano, unoaked and coming in at 13.7% alcohol. As clean and fresh as this is, it also showAuthors fine solidity in the mid-palate and a nice finish. Granting that it is a bit tight in its youth, its purity of fruit is rather glorious. This is not, to be sure, a wine (or grape) with much personality. It leans more to a dry, clean Chardonnay. It finishes with very little in the way of fruitiness--on other vintages, I've noted more--but it still manages to grip the palate, at least now and in its youth. It should open up a bit if you give it a few months in the cellar and it might be better in the spring of 2018. Finally, the winery and the importer advise that this can age for over 10 years, maybe as much as 15. How gracefully it will age and develop, as opposed to merely holding on, is still a question to me, though, and given variable storage conditions, let's go slow and be conservative. Take it in stages. |
2017 | U.S.A. | W&S staff | www.wineandspiritsmagazine.com | 2016 | Named for the bay laurel that grows around this vineyard, this smells deeply herbal, the sappy green spice overlaying a broad, waxy base of citrus flavor. It’s soft and a little spicy with alcohol, wanting a chill before serving with rice-and-herb-stuffed vegetables this summer. |
2017 | U.K. | Julia Harding, MW | www.jancisrobinson.com | 2016 | Fragrant, herbal, dry and chewy. Lots of character here with subtle fruit in terms of fruit flavour, but it has depth and concentration even without very definite fruit flavours, just herbal citrus on the finish. Stony, mineral and with a touch of spice. Tight and well structured. |
2016 | U.K. | International Wine Competition | www.decanter.com | 2015 | The darling grape of Crete. Smells ripe and fruity with a peach and floral nose. Outstanding value at this price. A convincing answer to Viognier with racy acidity. |
2016 | France | Andreas Larsson, Best Sommelier of The World 2007 | www.blindtasted.com | 2014 | Quite good intensity here, light golden colour but still youthful, so it has a green tinge. Quite tropical nose. There is ripe fruit here, a bit more ripeness than some previous examples. More in the direction here of yellow fruit, stone fruit. There is still a good presence of fresh citrus, like lemon or lime. Really floral, with hints of apricot, yellow plum. Perhaps a bit of oak, but in that case very discreet. There is a slight hint of nuttiness or something that reminds me of something roasted. Nice palate there. Medium weight but quite broad on the palate. With lush yellow fruit, underlined by lemon and lime zest, fresh almond. The acidity is well-integrated. Quite high acidity, good sensation of freshness on the palate. Medium towards long finish. Well-rounded, really juicy with a good purity of fruit. Good drinkability today and over the few coming years. |
2016 | U.K. | Julia Harding, MW | www.jancisrobinson.com | 2015 | Highly aromatic, mostly herbal, bay leaf and with some similarity to Sauvignon Blanc. On the palate it has that same herbal character but also a more stony side. Lots of tension and freshness and almost peppery on the finish (white pepper, like Grüner Veltliner). |
2015 | U.K. | International Wine Competition | www.decanter.com | 2014 | Mineral driven vibrant and fruity nose with charm and freshness. The big fresh fruit palate is balanced by really good juicy acidity, and has herbal tea hints adding complexity, long and really well balanced, lovely wine. |
2015 | France | Andreas Larsson, Best Sommelier of The World 2007 | www.blindtasted.com | 2014 | Medium deep straw colour, some hints of sweet citrus, almonds and nuts, good structure on the palate, pure and fresh yellow fruit with fine length and balance. |
2015 | France | Markus Del Monego MW, Best Sommelier of The World 1998 | www.blindtasted.com | 2014 | Bright yellow colour with green hue. Discreet nose with restrained fruit, hints of citrus fruit, apple and pear. On the palate well structured with good mouthfeel, medium weight and length. |
2015 | U.S.A. | Mark Squires, Wine Journalist | www.robertparker.com | 2014 | The 2014 Vidiano Dafnios is unoaked and comes in at 13% alcohol. This opened a bit on the piercing side, but as it aired and warmed, the texture became more velvety and caressing, while the fruit seemed surprisingly rich and sappy. Bursting with flavor, this is a tasty treat that is fruit-forward, but not merely fruity. It is a very nice bargain, too. If it is not quite as much of an overachiever as the winery's Femina (which has become one of my can't-miss favorites), it is no slouch in the value-for-money category. However long it theoretically holds, drink it young and fresh for best results. The more I taste wines from Douloufakis, the happier I am with them. They all seem to be overachievers. They taste great and the prices run from nice to amazing. |
2014 | Canada | John Szabo, MS | www.winealign.com | 2013 | Produced from 100% vidiano, one of the top white varieties on the Island of Crete, by one of it's leading proponents. The 2013 is somewhat subtle on the nose but the palate is explosively fruity and fullish, substantially flavoured and very ripe, with mostly yellow orchard fruit and some mango-guava-papaya tropical fruit. Very good length. A fine, fruity unoaked wine that runs in the same style spectrum as, say, viognier. |
2014 | U.S.A. | Mark Squires, Wine Journalist | www.robertparker.com | 2013 | The 2013 Vidiano Dafnios is a wonderfully fresh Vidiano with persistent flavor and lovely texture. Lively and clean, it is simply irresistible just now, completely charming and quite delicious. This is a relatively new winery on our shores, but every time I taste their whites in particular, I'm sold. When you see how fresh, enchanting and clean this Vidiano is, you may wonder why some are oaked (yet oak often does work). Each to his own, to be sure, but I think this is far more charming than the winery's own oaked Vidiano, also reviewed this issue. Drink now-2017. |
2014 | U.S.A. | W&S staff | www.wineandspiritsmagazine.com | 2013 | Plump and peachy, this is a soft, easy white for chicken souvlaki. |
2013 | U.S.A. | Mark Squires, Wine Journalist | www.robertparker.com | 2012 | The 2012 Vidiano Dafnios is quite charming, pure, solid and powerful, with a lingering, crisp finish. This is a grape most don’t know, but it does pop up on Crete in various versions. It looks like it has some potential for the future. I loved the earthy, minerally undertone and its focused persistence on the finish. Tightly wound and relatively full bodied, it shows beautifully, another winner from this newly arrived (on our shores) winery and a nice deal. Drink now-2016. |
2012 | U.S.A. | Mark Squires, Wine Journalist | www.robertparker.com | 2011 | The 2011 Vidiano “Dafnios” is all Vidiano, indigenous to Crete. I’ve seen it elsewhere on Crete, although this is the first time seen from this winery. It is clean and crisp with a slight lemony tinge early on. With sufficient body for its price range and nice persistence on the flavorful and juicy finish, this is a wine with good purity of fruit that is refreshing, but reasonably solid and round in the mid-palate. It should function well as a summer weight white, but it can also match up to some foods. It won’t reward cellaring. Drink it young and fresh. It should be great in the summer of 2013. Drink now-2015. |

Δουλουφάκη ALARGO Λευκός Ξηρός οίνος - Κριτικές
Alargo White Awards
Year | Country | Competition/Degustation | Vintage | Distinction |
2023 | U.S.A. | Wine Enthusiast | 2020 | 90/100 |
2023 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2021 | Silver medal |
2021 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2020 | Bronze medal |
2021 | U.S.A. | Wine Advocate - Mark Squires | 2016 | 89/100 |
2020 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2018 | Silver medal |
2018 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2016 | Silver medal |
2018 | U.S.A. | Wine Advocate - Mark Squires | 2016 | 89/100 |
Alargo White Tasting Notes
Tasted in | Country | Tasted by | Published on | Vintage | Wine tasting notes |
2023 | U.S.A. | Emily Saladino, Writer, Editor & Recipe Developer | www.wineenthusiast.com | 2020 | From a small producer in the hills south of Crete's capital, Herakleion, comes this elegant, light-bodied sipper with balanced notes of lemon juice and zest that are followed by a pleasantly acidic finish. Pair with crudité, grilled fish or tofu, or nothing at all. |
2021 | U.S.A. | Mark Squires, Wine Journalist | www.robertparker.com | 2016 | The 2016 Alárgo Assyrtiko is unoaked and comes in at 14.4% alcohol. When last seen, this looked promising. It shows great today. The reductive nuances have blown off, leaving a tightly wound white with a lingering finish. The finish is very fruity, giving it almost a sweet edge, to the point where I wondered whether this had any modest wood treatment. Overall, it's lovely, though, an expression of Assyrtiko that is a bit different, but still very good. |
2018 | U.S.A. | Mark Squires, Wine Journalist | www.robertparker.com | 2016 | The 2016 Alárgo Assyrtiko is unoaked and comes in at 14.4% alcohol. No price was set at this time. I've been increasingly seeing fine Assyrtiko off of Santorini, not that anyone is challenging the grandeur of the top wines there. Up to a point, this is another. Ripe, concentrated and chock full of fruit, this is pretty delicious. Lush, it tastes great and finishes well, with reasonable tension. It will be interesting to see how it develops, too. Therein lies the quibble—it has a smoky nuance I could do without, perhaps a touch of reduction. It came out as the wine aired and warmed. If that blows off, as it often does, this might be entitled to an uptick. Even now, it is pretty nice. |

Δουλουφάκη SAUVIGNON BLANC Λευκός Ξηρός οίνος - Κριτικές
Sauvignon Blanc Douloufakis Awards
Year | Country | Competition/Degustation | Vintage | Distinction |
2009 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2008 | Silver medal |
2007 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2006 | Silver medal |
2006 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2005 | Silver medal |

Δουλουφάκη CHARDONNAY Λευκός Ξηρός οίνος - Κριτικές
Chardonnay Douloufakis Awards
Year | Country | Competition/Degustation | Vintage | Distinction |
2011 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2010 | Silver medal |
2008 | France | Challenge International du Vin | 2007 | Bronze medal |
2007 | France | Challenge International du Vin | 2006 | Silver medal |
2006 | France | Challenge International du Vin | 2005 | Bronze medal |
2003 | France | Challenge International du Vin | 2002 | Silver medal |

Δουλουφάκη FEMINA Λευκός Ξηρός οίνος - Κριτικές
Femina White Awards
Year | Country | Competition/Degustation | Vintage | Distinction |
2024 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2023 | Bronze medal |
2023 | U.K. | Decanter | 2022 | Bronze medal |
2020 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2018 | Silver medal |
2019 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2018 | Bronze medal |
2018 | Japan | Sakura | 2016 | Silver medal |
2017 | U.S.A. | Wine Advocate - Mark Squires | 2016 | 91/100 |
2017 | U.S.A. | Wine & Spirits | 2016 | 91/100 |
2017 | U.K. | Decanter | 2016 | Silver medal |
2017 | U.S.A. | TEXSOM | 2016 | Bronze medal |
2017 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2016 | Silver medal |
2017 | Japan | Sakura | 2016 | Silver medal |
2016 | U.S.A. | TEXSOM | 2015 | Silver medal |
2016 | France | Tasted 100% Blind - Andreas Larsson | 2015 | 86/100 |
2016 | Japan | Sakura | 2015 | Gold medal |
2015 | U.S.A. | Wine Advocate - Mark Squires | 2014 | 90/100 |
2016 | U.S.A. | Wine & Spirits | 2015 | 90/100 |
2015 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2014 | Silver medal |
2015 | Greece | Wine & Spirits Magazine | 2014 | 90/100 |
2014 | Canada | Wine Align - John Szabo, MS | 2013 | 88/100 |
2014 | U.S.A. | Wine Advocate - Mark Squires | 2013 | 90/100 |
2014 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2013 | Gold medal |
2014 | Greece | Wine & Spirits Magazine | 2013 | 87/100 |
2013 | U.S.A. | Wine Advocate - Mark Squires | 2011 | 91/100 |
2013 | U.S.A. | Wine Advocate - Mark Squires | 2012 | 90/100 |
2013 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2012 | Gold medal |
Femina White Tasting Notes
Tasted in | Country | Tasted by | Published on | Vintage | Wine tasting notes |
2017 | U.S.A. | W&S staff | www.wineandspiritsmagazine.com | 2016 | An exceptionally elegant malvasia, this feels like a spring breeze, the fruit crisp and green, the scents fresh, herbal and delicately floral. Grapefruit-like acidity rides through the wine, keeping it brisk and lively, while notes of fennel and citrus bring to mind a pairing with herb-stuffed grilled fish. |
2017 | U.K. | International Wine Competition | www.decanter.com | 2016 | Refined, delicate and very pure with soft floral aromas. The palate shows punchy acidity, persistence and freshness; well made. |
2017 | U.S.A. | Mark Squires, Wine Journalist | www.robertparker.com | 2016 | The 2016 Femina is all Malvasia di Candia–from Crete–unoaked, dry and coming in at 13.5% alcohol. Sourced from limestone-soil vineyards at 300 to 400 meters in altitude, this is typically aromatically invigorating, a little grassy, spicy and floral, exuberant on the nose. And it is Malvasia, which tends to have some personality. It is a sure-fire refresher in the summer, but that's not all. It has reasonable concentration for the level and excellent structure. It is tightly wound on the palate, especially now that it is young, finishing with its typical tension. One of my favorite summer refreshers, this is a can't-miss buy if you like fresh whites with personality. It may well age a bit, too (the winery advised five to seven years), but it is a fresh white that benefits greatly from its freshness, so you might not want to bother holding it very long, no matter how long it theoretically lasts. |
2016 | U.S.A. | W&S staff | www.wineandspiritsmagazine.com | 2015 | There’s a succulence to this honeysuckle-scented wine that’s unusual for this perfumed grape variety, a sweet-salty play between peaches and sea spray. It’s juicy and fresh, weighted for light vegetable dishes and seafood. |
2016 | Canada | David Lawrason, Wine Journalist | www.winealign.com | 2015 | This is a deeply coloured, intensely aromatic and unusual white with lifted pine/evergreen/retsina-like aromas. Which I actually like. There is also intriguing apricot, star fruit and spice. It is medium weight, with some viscosity and this very vibrant lemony sappy, bitter palate. Tasted November 2016. |
2016 | Canada | John Szabo, MS | www.winealign.com | 2015 | A heavily terpenic, reductive, super-intensely-flavoured white made with the indigenous malvasia di Candia aromatica variety, aromatic to be sure, by one of Crete's leading estates. It offers some intriguing white chocolate flavours at this stage, heading into the oxidative phase of ageing - I'd drink this up soon to capture the remaining tropical fruit and heavy floral-jasmine character. For now, it's an intense ride for the money. Dry but quite rich. Tasted November 2016. Value Rating: *** |
2016 | Canada | Michael Godel, Wine Critic | www.winealign.com | 2015 | One of the more interesting dry white wines you will encounter is this malvasia from Crete, so exotically perfumed and lemon intense. The purity, clarity and clean fun is just terrific here. With a big chill and a mess of grilled calamari I can’t think of much better or simpler pleasures. The acidity and the quick peppery jolt only help to enhance the jovial spirit. I could drink this all the time. Drink 2016-2017. Tasted November 2016. |
2016 | Canada | Sara d'Amato, Wine Consultant | www.winealign.com | 2015 | Wonderful substance to this aromatic white offering great concentration of flavour and spot-on malvasia typicity. Its golden hue is typical of this maritime grape that has a tendency to oxidize. There is a hint of tannin that can be felt on the palate that adds intrigue and texture but no oak. A lovely saline and mineral note is matched by stone fruit, light tropical notes, Asian pear, passion fruit and tangerine on the palate. Sophisticated and compelling. Excellent value. |
2016 | Canada | Vintages Panel - LCBO | www.lcbo.com | 2015 | This is 100% Malvasia di Candia Aromatica, a clone of the ancient Cretian Malvasia di Candia, a grape with a history that dates back beyond the 14th century and the Venetian occupation of Crete. The Aromatica clone is grown exclusively on Crete. This example is (not surprisingly) intensely aromatic. With complex pear, apricot and spice tones, this is a profoundly floral wine. |
2016 | France | Andreas Larsson, Best Sommelier of The World 2007 | www.blindtasted.com | 2015 | Pale colour, medium deep straw, I would say, with a slight green tinge. Very nice nose. Grapy and floral. Very much like, I would say, traditional Mediterranean varieties like Muscat or Malavasia. With notes of fresh grapes, green apple, fresh lemon and a lot of flowers. Good bite on the palate it is a medium weight, with a really mouth-watering sensation of freshness. A hint of grape skin. I mean like biting into a bunch of fresh grapes. Good purity of fruit here, so modern vinification. Nice zesty notes on the finish. Fairly long and persistent. A really pleasurable wine. |
2015 | U.S.A. | W&S staff | www.wineandspiritsmagazine.com | 2014 | This presents the elegant side of malvasia, its honeysuckle florals couched in juicy peach and pear fruit, citrus acidity holding the flavors to a graceful, lithe line. It lasts on fragrance, fresh and clean. This has the structure to match fish done Sicilian-style, with raisins, pine nuts and capers. |
2015 | U.S.A. | Mark Squires, Wine Journalist | www.robertparker.com | 2014 | The 2014 Femina is the winery's unoaked Malvasia, a consistently fine performer these days that always exceeds any expectations based on the price. To be clear, it is all Malvasia di Candia Aromatica, sourced from an Italian clone and vines that are now around 20 years old. It comes in at 13.6% alcohol. It is a bit green this year, with some grassy notes. It does make the Malvasia a bit more neutral. This still makes a statement on its own terms. Underneath, it is rather full-bodied for the type and price level. It is, more importantly, crisp, refreshing and rather intense. Lingering nicely on the finish, it has the acidity to be a great food wine and the aromatics and flavors to be refreshing in the summer heat. I wasn't sure about this year's iteration at first, but it certainly grew on me in its own style and on its own terms. You will be hard pressed to do better for the modest money. It should hold a bit, but drink it young and fresh for best results. |
2014 | U.S.A. | Mark Squires, Wine Journalist | www.robertparker.com | 2013 | The 2013 Femina is Malvasia. I haven't seen many vintages of this yet, but it has quickly become one of the wines I look forward to as Greece's summer sessions begin anew each year. This year's version is expressive and elegant, with all that Malvasia flavor laced into the palate. Well structured, lively and pure, it seems to be in fine shape now. It also has the ability to hold nicely for a few years, although we should take that in stages. If it doesn’t project the pure power of some versions, the next day it was still glorious and persistent, with tension on the finish and some enlivening herbaceous hints. Drink now-2018. |
2014 | Canada | John Szabo, MS | www.winealign.com | 2013 | Explosively aromatic in the Malvasia idiom, with crunchy, zesty green fruit and plenty of floral-orange blossom notes. Hard to believe this comes from Crete; it would be equally at home in Northern Italy, stylistically. Length and depth are quite impressive, and the palate is just off-dry, making it a perfect match for spicy Asian fare. In consignment. |
2014 | U.S.A. | W&S staff | www.wineandspiritsmagazine.com | 2013 | This is as floral as expected for malvasia, all honeysuckle and lime. It could use a little more body to support all that aroma, so don’t chill it too hard, and pour it with fish tacos. |
2013 | U.S.A. | Mark Squires, Wine Journalist | www.robertparker.com | 2012 | The 2012 Femina is Malvasia (Malmsey in English), coming in at 13.5% alcohol. Granting that sensory memory is a fragile thing, this seems more expressive, approachable and open than last year’s model, which was very tightly wound when young (and still is). This is no wimp, though. It still shows remarkable aromatics, fine solidity in the mid-palate, intensity of flavor and a persistent finish. As did its 2011 sibling, reviewed this issue, this held effortlessly for a couple of days. Remember that Malvasia is what I like to call a “personality” grape. It won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but those who love it should swoon. This winery is relatively new on the American scene. It is entitled to some props and applause. I know I’ve been impressed. Drink now-2017. |
2013 | U.S.A. | Mark Squires, Wine Journalist | www.robertparker.com | 2011 | The 2011 Femina is Malvasia. Since I have the ‘12 in hand now, it is worth a look back at this first vintage that I saw to see how it progressed. It has held quite well. Well, ok, that’s an understatement, and it is pretty clear that this was initially underrated. It is notably better now, particularly considering how tight it was on receipt. It has come along brilliantly. A bit amber in color, it is piercing on opening, with that tightly wound, hard edged and high acid demeanor that I originally noted. Pulling it out of the fridge and sampling it quickly made it seem quite shrill. As it warmed and got closer to 60F, though, it became increasingly delicious, full bodied, aromatic and rather complex. It is a mouthful, powerful and intense—not your easy, fruity summer sipper, but a great food wine. It is more proof of the adage that people drink big whites too cold. And this is a big white. It reminded me a bit of a dry and steely Alsace Riesling (an analogy to structure and style, not flavor and aromatics, of course). Most of all, it was invigorating while increasingly expressive as it aired out. I played with this over 3 days. It never faltered, not for a moment. The combination of acidity and concentration may preserve this well, if it can avoid oxidizing. Let’s still be conservative until we get there. Drink now-2016. |

Δουλουφάκη ΤΑΧΤΑΣ Λευκός Ξηρός οίνος - Κριτικές
Douloufakis Tachtas White Awards
Year | Country | Competition/Degustation | Vintage | Distinction |
2022 | Greece | Παύλος Γκέγκας (Pavlos Gegas), Wine Critic | 2021 | 90/100 |
2022 | Greece | Σίμος Γεωργόπουλος (Simos Georgopoulos), Wine Writer | 2021 | 8/10 |
Douloufakis Tachtas White Tasting Notes
Tasted in | Country | Tasted by | Published on | Vintage | Wine tasting notes |
2022 | Greece | Παύλος Γκέγκας (Pavlos Gegas), Wine Critic | www.gegas.gr | 2021 | Ανοιχτό χρυσαφί. Αθόλωτη πληθωρικότητα στην μύτη, που ευλογά με κίτρινη κολοκύθα και κανταλούπε, έχοντας πίσω πυρηνόκαρπη ανάγνωση από γιαρμά και βερύκοκκο, μικρότερης ένστασης, σε μία εν γένει λιπαρή προβολή. Κίτρινα γινωμένα βουτυρώδη λουλούδια, ανθόμελο, αχνή βοτανική υποψία στο διακριτό μπαχαρένιο περιβάλλον, με ένα αναιμικότατο πέρασμα από σιλό και κριθάρι. Σάρκινο, επιβλητικό και με μεγάλες εκτάσεις στον γεμάτο ουρανίσκο. Πλούσιο, πολύ καλής πάστας μελένιο φρούτο, που ακολουθεί κατά κεραία την πληθωρική οσφρητική ντιρεκτίβα, δίνεται με μπόλικο λίπος και βούτυρο, έχοντας γιά αντιστάθμισμα την ζωηρή κυματική της οξύτητας που ανορθώνει το βαρύ στυλ του. Παρότι η βελόνα δείχνει 13%, δεν μπορεί να καταλογιστεί επ’ουδενί ανάλαφρο ή βορειοευρωπαϊκο, με την εν γένει θερμή του εκδήλωση να υποστηρίζεται από ισχυρή φαινολική, σχεδόν τανική δομή, ενώ το στιβαρό μπαχαράτο περιβάλλον με τις ήπιες βοτανικές νότες αποφορτίζεται πάραυτα μετά τον μέσο ουρανίσκο από εμφανώς διατυπωμένη ορυκτή γραμμή. Ωραίο στήσιμο στην πάνω από μέτρια επίγευση, όπου στο ακούραστο δούλεμα των φαινολών στο στόμα, προσπαθεί να εφαρμοστεί μιά ενεργή ορυκτή αντίταξη. Αρκούντως μπαχαράτη και μελένια, αφυπνίζει μερικώς την βοτανική του θεματική, γιά να επιδοθεί σε έναν γήϊνο τόνο με ξηροκαρπάτη νύξη που μοιάζει με φουσκωμένο στο νερό πλιγούρι. Το θειώδες καίει καλά. |

Δουλουφάκη ΑΣΠΡΟΣ ΛΑΓΟΣ Λευκός Ξηρός οίνος - Κριτικές
Aspros Lagos White Awards
Year | Country | Competition/Degustation | Vintage | Distinction |
2024 | U.K. | Decanter | 2023 | Silver medal |
2023 | U.K. | Decanter | 2022 | Silver medal |
2023 | U.S.A. | Wine Enthusiast | 2021 | 92/100 |
2021 | U.K. | Decanter | 2019 | Bronze medal |
2021 | U.S.A. | Wine Advocate - Mark Squires | 2016 | 88/100 |
2020 | U.K. | Decanter | 2019 | Bronze medal |
2019 | Greece | 50 Great Greek Wines | 2019 | 44th |
2019 | U.K. | Decanter | 2018 | Silver medal |
2019 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2018 | Bronze medal |
2018 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2017 | Bronze medal |
2017 | U.K. | Jancis Robinson - Julia Harding MW | 2016 | 17/20 |
2017 | U.K. | Decanter | 2016 | Silver medal |
2016 | U.K. | Decanter | 2015 | Bronze medal |
2016 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2015 | Silver medal |
2016 | Japan | Sakura | 2014 | Silver medal |
2015 | Australia | The Real Review - Huon Hooke | 2014 | Silver medal |
2014 | U.S.A. | Wine Advocate - Mark Squires | 2013 | 88/100 |
2014 | U.S.A. | Wine & Spirits | 2012 | 87/100 |
2012 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2011 | Silver medal |
2010 | Belgium | Concours Mondial de Bruxelles | 2009 | Gold medal |
2010 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2009 | Silver medal |
2010 | U.S.A. | Challenge International du Vin | 2009 | Silver medal |
2009 | Belgium | Concours Mondial de Bruxelles | 2008 | Gold medal |
Aspros Lagos White Tasting Notes
Tasted in | Country | Tasted by | Published on | Vintage | Wine tasting notes |
2024 | Germany | MUNDUS VINI Spring Tasting 2024 | www.mundusvini.com | 2022 | Read here the analysis. |
2023 | U.S.A. | Emily Saladino, Writer, Editor & Recipe Developer | www.wineenthusiast.com | 2020 | Made from Vidiano, an indigenous Cretan variety, this honey-colored wine expresses citrus and petrol aromas with a faintly buttery undertone that hints at the five months the wine spent aging in acacia and French oak. The balanced palate has lemon and juicy melon flavors balanced by petrol, and a lovely, long-lasting finish. |
2021 | U.S.A. | Mark Squires, Wine Journalist | www.robertparker.com | 2016 | The 2016 Aspros Lagos is a Vidiano aged for five months in a 60/40 blend of French and acacia barrels, 40% new. It comes in at 14% alcohol. This is an oldie, but it is one that seems to be in prime time. The wood treatment gives this a somewhat generic feel, but the total package sure tastes great. At this point in its life, it is also gentle and friendly, without much intensity but an easy demeanor. This is a lot of fun, but I'd personally take its Dafnios sibling (which is also less expensive) this issue. |
2017 | U.K. | Julia Harding, MW | www.jancisrobinson.com | 2016 | Pale gold. Complex and inviting aroma with cedary oak and a lightly honeyed/resin note. There’s plenty of oak influence but the fruit intensity is terrific so that the winemaking is in harmony with it. Serious white, full in the mouth but shapes into a tight clean finish with all that freshness. Very good. |
2017 | U.K. | International Wine Competition | www.decanter.com | 2016 | Luxurious oak and stone fruit characters. Creamy with lovely concentration and a vanilla finish; compelling and great value for money. |
2016 | U.K. | International Wine Competition | www.decanter.com | 2015 | Buttercup yellow with a lemon, peach and oak bouquet and a juicy, nutty palate. Lots of substance and fairly priced. Another competent rendition of this upcoming varietal. |
2014 | U.S.A. | Mark Squires, Wine Journalist | www.robertparker.com | 2013 | The 2013 Aspros Lagos is Vidiano aged for 5 months in wood (80% new, the rest used), matured in a mixture of Acacia (60%) and French oak (40%). Elegant and quite charming, it handles its oak very well – the touch is light – and manages to be relatively clean. Overall, it seems to lack the persistence and freshness, relatively speaking, of the un-oaked (or, more accurately, un-wooded) Vidiano also reviewed this issue. Drink now-2017. |
2014 | U.S.A. | W&S staff | www.wineandspiritsmagazine.com | 2012 | Honeysuckle rich and smooth, this is ripe and amply oaked, a modern take on an old Cretan variety. |

Δουλουφάκη Αφρώδης Λευκός οίνος - Κριτικές
Douloufakis Sparkling White Awards
Year | Country | Competition/Degustation | Vintage | Distinction |
2024 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | - | Gold medal |
2019 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2016 | Bronze medal |
2017 | U.K. | Jancis Robinson - Julia Harding MW | 2013 | 16/20 |
2016 | Cyprus | Γιάννος Κωνσταντίνου, Οινογράφος - Yiannos Konstantinou, Wine Writer | 2013 | 86/100 |
Douloufakis Sparkling White Tasting Notes
Tasted in | Country | Tasted by | Published on | Vintage | Wine tasting notes |
2017 | U.K. | Julia Harding, MW | www.jancisrobinson.com | 2013 | 100% Vidiano. Herby, dense but fresh. This would be a good food wine. Dry, fine mousse and a herbal citrus finish. Nicely done to get the fizz yet keep the varietal character. |
2016 | Cyprus | Γιάννος Κωνσταντίνου, Οινογράφος- Yiannos Konstantinou, Wine Writer | www.cypruswinepages.com | 2013 | Μετά τον τιμιότατο Κρητικό, καμωμένο από τις ποικιλίες Βηλάνα, Πλυτό και Δαφνί, ήρθε σήμερα να προστεθεί στις προτάσεις μου ένα ακόμη λευκό, αφρώδες αυτή τη φορά, από την ηρωική πάλι Κρήτη. Το ξηρό αφρώδες του οινοποιείου Δουλουφάκης, από τον τρύγο του 2013, φτιαγμένο αποκλειστικά από σταφύλια ενός ακόμη ποικιλιακού αστέρα του νησιού, που δεν είναι άλλος από το Βιδιανό. Οινοποιημένο με την παραδοσιακή μέθοδο της ζύμωσης στη φιάλη, το Αφρώδες του Δουλουφάκη είναι, κοντολογίς, το καλύτερο κρασί της κατηγορίας που παράγεται αυτή τη στιγμή σε ολόκληρη την Ελλάδα. Πλούσιο και φίνο στη μύτη, με καθάρια αρώματα κόρας ψωμιού, βουτύρου, ξηρών καρπών και κίτρινων φρούτων. Εκφραστικό γευστικά, με ισορροπημένη την παρουσία του ανθρακικού και μια οξύτητα που ανεβάζει το σύνολο, είναι ένα αφρώδες εφάμιλλο μιας καλής αχρονολόγητης σαμπάνιας. Θερμά συγχαρητήρια στον παραγωγό. Πιείτε το μέχρι το 2020. |
2016 | Greece | Γιάννης Καρακάσης (Yannis Karakasis), MW | www.karakasis.mw | 2013 | Aiming at exploring the high potential of the Vidiano variety, Douloufakis goes one step further by releasing a sparkling methode tradionnelle vintage 2013 version, with two years on the lees which is one of the longest maturation periods a Greek sparkling wine has seen. Fruit was sourced from vineyards at 600 m that possessed the desired nature for sparkling wine production, it was disgorged in May 2016 and released few days ago at a domestic retail price of 16.75 euros. With this effort Douloufakis tries to find a fine line between the floral character of the variety and the toasty notes released by autolysis. The result taking into consideration it is the first vintage is just outstanding. Tight nose opening up revealing a stone fruit core along floral, spa -like notes with evident autolytic yeasty aromas. Medium bodied with fine mousse on the palate balancing fine the fruity with the brioche like flavours, finishes very pure and clean. Ambitious for the next 5-8 years. Roast chicken, pork, lime grilled prawns will do the match. So it is three out of three for Douloufakis and Vidiano, and that makes me curious what will be next... |

Douloufakis AMPHORA ΒΙΔΙΑΝΟ Λευκός οίνος - Κριτικές
Amphora Vidiano White Awards
Year | Country | Competition/Degustation | Vintage | Distinction |
2018 | U.S.A. | Wine Advocate - Mark Squires | 2016 | 90/100 |
Amphora Vidiano Tasting Notes
Tasted in | Country | Tasted by | Published on | Vintage | Wine tasting notes |
2018 | U.S.A. | Mark Squires, Wine Journalist | www.robertparker.com | 2016 | The 2016 Vidiano Amphora was aged for four months in used French oak and comes in at 13% alcohol. Vinification was first in amphorae, however, for a total of five months. In my tasting note on the regular Vidiano, I reported that this grape was on its way to fame and glory. Amphorae wines are becoming trendy, too, but this is also more on the "orange wine" side of the spectrum, cloudy and dramatically different. How adventurous are you? I personally liked it a lot, but it is one of those "about the process" wines where the eccentricity overwhelms most other issues. That makes it hard to score as there isn't much of a benchmark in mind. You'll either like it or you won't. The nose reminded me of a Dry White Port, and that nuance followed through on the palate a little. I like Dry White Port, so I was happy. Your mileage may differ, but this does have nice freshness, wonderful grip on the finish and a dry, serious feel. There's also a bit of an oxidative nuance. Don't drink it on its own. Pair it with something compatible—maybe certain cheeses. You'll have to decide what you like. Sometimes these age well, sometimes not. I'd say this can hold nicely for a few years, but let's start here and take this in stages. |

Douloufakis AMPHORA ΜΟΣΧΑΤΟ Λευκός οίνος - Κριτικές
Amphora Muscat Tasting Notes
Tasted in | Country | Tasted by | Published on | Vintage | Wine tasting notes |
2019 | Greece | Γιάννης Καρακάσης (Yannis Karakasis), MW | www.karakasis.mw | 2017 | Skin contact method. Aromatic with a nose reminiscent one of a sweet wine with gardenia, bergamot and quince scents. Slightly tannic on the palate and full throttled with warm alcohol and the overall balance giving a sweet - fruit feeling. |

Δουλουφάκη ENOTRIA Ροζέ Ξηρός οίνος - Κριτικές
Enotria Rose Awards
Year | Country | Competition/Degustation | Vintage | Distinction |
2013 | Germany | Greek Wine Awards | 2012 | Gold medal |
2011 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2010 | Gold medal |
2010 | Canada | Wine Align - David Lawrason | 2009 | 86/100 |
2010 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2009 | Silver medal |
2008 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2007 | Silver medal |
Enotria Rose Tasting Notes
Tasted in | Country | Tasted by | Published on | Vintage | Wine tasting notes |
2010 | Canada | David Lawrason, Wine Journalist | www.winealign.com | 2009 | This organically grown rose is deeply coloured, garnet red with a soft, sweet nose of cherry jam. It's mid-weight, fairly soft and dry with a bitter cranberry finish. Very good length. Tasted July 2010. |

Δουλουφάκη ENOTRIA Ερυθρός Ξηρός οίνος - Κριτικές
Enotria Red Awards
Year | Country | Competition/Degustation | Vintage | Distinction |
2017 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2016 | Silver medal |
2016 | U.K. | Decanter | 2014 | Bronze medal |
2013 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2012 | Silver medal |
2004 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2003 | Silver medal |
2003 | France | Challenge International du Vin | 2001 | Gold medal |
Enotria Red Tasting Notes
Tasted in | Country | Tasted by | Published on | Vintage | Wine tasting notes |
2016 | U.K. | International Wine Competition | www.decanter.com | 2014 | Nose of plums, pepper, raisiny fruit and cinnamon. Juicy cherry, pure and light with slight spice on the finish. An international style. Wine for protein. |

Δουλουφάκη ΔΑΦΝΙΟΣ Ερυθρός Ξηρός οίνος - Κριτικές
Dafnios Red Awards
Year | Country | Competition/Degustation | Vintage | Distinction |
2023 | U.K. | Decanter | 2020 | Bronze medal |
2023 | U.S.A. | Wine Enthusiast | 2019 | 89/100 |
2023 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2020 | Silver medal |
2021 | U.K. | Jancis Robinson - Julia Harding MW | 2018 | 16+/20 |
2020 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2017 | Silver medal |
2019 | U.S.A. | Wine Enthusiast | 2017 | 92/100 |
2019 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2017 | Bronze medal |
2019 | U.S.A. | Wine & Spirits | 2017 | 87/100 |
2018 | France | Tasted 100% Blind - Andreas Larsson | 2016 | 89/100 |
2018 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2016 | Silver medal |
2017 | U.S.A. | Wine Advocate - Mark Squires | 2015 | 90/100 |
2017 | U.K. | Decanter | 2015 | Silver medal |
2017 | U.S.A. | TEXSOM | 2015 | Silver medal |
2017 | U.K. | Jancis Robinson - Julia Harding MW | 2015 | 15.5/20 |
2016 | U.S.A. | TEXSOM | 2014 | Bronze medal |
2016 | Japan | Sakura | 2012 | Silver medal |
2016 | U.K. | Jancis Robinson - Julia Harding MW | 2013 | 16/20 |
2015 | U.S.A. | Wine Advocate - Mark Squires | 2013 | 89/100 |
2015 | France | Tasted 100% Blind - Andreas Larsson | 2013 | 86/100 |
2014 | U.S.A. | Wine Advocate - Mark Squires | 2011 | 88/100 |
2012 | U.S.A. | Wine Advocate - Mark Squires | 2010 | 88/100 |
2008 | Belgium | Concours Mondial de Bruxelles | 2007 | Silver medal |
2007 | France | Challenge International du Vin | 2006 | Bronze medal |
Dafnios Red Tasting Notes
Tasted in | Country | Tasted by | Published on | Vintage | Wine tasting notes |
2023 | U.S.A. | Emily Saladino, Writer, Editor & Recipe Developer | www.wineenthusiast.com | 2019 | Tart cranberry, currants, lemon rind and leather lead the palate of this dry red wine made from Crete's Liatiko grape. The nose is subtle, with red fruits offset by sage and thyme. After vinification in stainless steel, it's aged for nearly a year in French oak barrels. The results are grippy but well-integrated tannins on the long, almost savory finish. |
2021 | U.K. | Julia Harding, MW | www.jancisrobinson.com | 2018 | Light to mid ruby. Looks more mature than 2018 but this is typical for Liatiko colour. Like the colour, the aroma is typically more mature than you might expect for a 2018: leathery red fruits, some dried cherry but also a gentle herbaceous freshness. On the palate, this is fresh but also more meaty/savoury, with umami flavours that you would normally get from an older wine but which are, I think, typical at a younger age in Liatiko. Tannins are dry, slightly grainy and firm. Absolutely needs food now but should have a long life ahead. If you are tired of Cabernet, Merlot or Syrah, try this slightly rustic but characterful wine. Even though Liatiko often seems to age quite quickly initially in terms of colour and flavour (if not tannin), it often ages very well in bottle. This and the Dafnios Vidiano would make a great starting pair if you have not yet ventured into Cretan wines. |
2019 | U.S.A. | W&S staff | www.wineandspiritsmagazine.com | 2017 | This stresses the sweet purple fruit and zesty acidity of liatiko, but relies on the heat of alcohol for its spice. It’s simple and primary, a red for spicy sausages. |
2018 | France | Andreas Larsson, Best Sommelier of The World 2007 | www.blindtasted.com | 2016 | Light red ruby colour. Sweet nose of red berries, plum and mild spices with modest oak. Medium weight palate, nice red fruit, digest with good extract, a fresh backbone and a rather long savoury finish. |
2017 | U.K. | Julia Harding, MW | www.jancisrobinson.com | 2015 | Light to mid ruby, colour looks quite developed but I think this is typical of Liatiko. Sour-cherry lift but also something a little meaty. Sweet and a little meaty on the palate but I think it is the variety not brett. Somehow old-fashioned but tasty and finishes fresh. |
2017 | U.K. | International Wine Competition | www.decanter.com | 2015 | This is an outstanding Liatiko with a complex nose of cherries, leather and savoury notes. Refined, almost silky on palate. |
2016 | U.K. | Julia Harding, MW | www.jancisrobinson.com | 2013 | Unusual aroma – sour cherry and a little smoky/rubbery. Meaty and dry on the palate. Firm, dry texture. Packed with personality and flavour – rustic and full of life. Lots of pleasure in a rough and ready sort of way. |
2015 | France | Andreas Larsson, Best Sommelier of The World 2007 | www.blindtasted.com | 2013 | Medium deep ruby red. Intense nose with ripe sweet fruit, some earthy and leathery notes. Fresh palate with medium weight and a rounded texture, sweet red berry fruit, mild spices and a medium to long finish. |
2015 | France | Markus Del Monego MW, Best Sommelier of The World 1998 | www.blindtasted.com | 2013 | Dark garnet red colour with almost black centre. Well structured nose with slightly balmy character. On the palate firm tannins with a slightly dry finish, restrained fruit and hints of mild spices. |
2015 | U.S.A. | Mark Squires, Wine Journalist | www.robertparker.com | 2013 | The 2013 Liatiko Dafnios is all Liatiko, a red grape indigenous to Crete and sourced from vines approximately 30 years old. It was aged for nine months in a mixture of used French oak (80%) and stainless steel (20%). Fresh and pure, this features, sappy, up-front fruit flavor with a nod to Beaujolais, but it also adds a fresh and vibrant feel with mild tannins, some persistence on the finish and a bright personality. It is a lovely red that can and should be chilled down a bit (around 60F works well) and drunk as an uncomplicated sipper. In the short-run, it merely seems ridiculously delicious, yet never cloying and always elegant. Is it worth leaning up for that? If you want thick, rich and powerful, you'll say no. Otherwise, you might think this is one of the nicest values here for an elegant and easy sipper. It may not last long at peak, but it will be an enormous crowd-pleaser. This might hold better than I think, but I do believe it is best drunk young. After that, we'll see where we are when we get there. |
2014 | U.S.A. | Mark Squires, Wine Journalist | www.robertparker.com | 2011 | The 2011 Liatiko Dafnios is very graceful with sensual texture. For all of its fruit forward demeanor and elegant feel, it has a certain steely note to it as it airs out that I appreciated. There isn't much concentration here, but it does have some structure, reasonable acidity and ripe tannins. It finishes with juicy fruit laced with a bit of a bitter chocolate nuance. It is a lot of fun. I liked this much better with 30 minutes of air and some coolness. At that point it began to grow on me, demonstrating a bit more substance than I originally thought it had. Drink it on the young side, but it should hold nicely for a few years. Drink now-2019. |
2012 | U.S.A. | Mark Squires, Wine Journalist | www.robertparker.com | 2010 | The 2010 Liatiko “Dafnios” is all Liatiko, an indigenous Cretan grape, that is oak aged for 9 months according to the winery’s data. It seemed slightly creamy on opening, which is odd because it is anything but. That changed pretty fast. It has a rich fruit nuance and came around nicely in the glass, showing better structure and more purity of fruit, without any cloying traces, losing all the creamy hints. It is pretty sexy in some respects given its fine aromatics and intense fruit flavor, but it cuts that with a little steely purity and enough structure to prevent it from being overly one dimensional. Many like their reds in the lower 60 degrees Fahrenheit anyway, but this is certainly something that should not be drunk too warm. This could grow on me. It is awfully tasty and awfully friendly. I will be interested to see how it develops in the cellar and in other vintages. Drink now-2018. |

Δουλουφάκη ALARGO Ερυθρός Ξηρός οίνος - Κριτικές
Alargo Red Awards
Year | Country | Competition/Degustation | Vintage | Distinction |
2019 | Japan | Sakura | 2014 | Silver medal |
2018 | Japan | Sakura | 2013 | Silver medal |
2012 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2009 | Silver medal |
2011 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2008 | Gold medal |
2011 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2006 | Silver medal |
2010 | Belgium | Concours Mondial de Bruxelles | 2008 | Silver medal |
2010 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2008 | Silver medal |
2010 | France | Challenge International du Vin | 2008 | Silver medal |
2009 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2007 | Silver medal |
2008 | U.K. | London, IWSC | 2006 | Bronze medal |
2008 | Belgium | Concours Mondial de Bruxelles | 2006 | Silver medal |
2007 | France | Challenge International du Vin | 2005 | Bronze medal |
2007 | U.K. | London, IWSC | 2005 | Bronze medal |
2006 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2004 | Gold medal |
2006 | Belgium | Concours Mondial de Bruxelles | 2004 | Silver medal |
2005 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2003 | Silver medal |

Δουλουφάκη ΑΣΠΡΟΣ ΛΑΓΟΣ Ερυθρός Ξηρός οίνος - Κριτικές
Aspros Lagos Red Awards
Year | Country | Competition/Degustation | Vintage | Distinction |
2023 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2020 | Bronze medal |
2020 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2017 | Silver medal |
2019 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2016 | Bronze medal |
2018 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2015 | Gold medal |
2018 | Japan | Sakura | 2014 | Silver medal |
2014 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2011 | Gold medal |
2013 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2010 | Grand Gold medal |
2012 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2009 | Gold medal |
2011 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2008 | Gold medal |
2011 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2007 | Gold medal |
2011 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2006 | Gold medal |
2010 | Belgium | Concours Mondial de Bruxelles | 2007 | Silver medal |
2010 | France | Challenge International du Vin | 2007 | Bronze medal |
2009 | Greece | Thessaloniki I.W.S.C. | 2006 | Gold medal |
2008 | U.K. | London, IWSC | 2005 | Bronze medal |
2007 | France | Challenge International du Vin | 2004 | Gold medal |
2007 | U.K. | London, IWSC | 2004 | Bronze medal |

Δουλουφάκη SANGIOVESE Ερυθρός Ξηρός οίνος - Κριτικές
Sangiovese Red Awards
Year | Country | Competition/Degustation | Vintage | Distinction |
2008 | France | Challenge International du Vin | 2004 | Bronze medal |

Δουλουφάκη ΗΛΙΟΣ Ερυθρός Φυσικώς Γλυκός οίνος - Κριτικές
Helios Red Awards
Year | Country | Competition/Degustation | Vintage | Distinction |
2016 | Australia | The Real Review - Huon Hooke | 2005 | Silver medal |